ActionScript 3.0 Assessment


ActionScript 3.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This ActionScript 3.0 test focuses on the basic aspects of the language itself, plus the most essential parts of the API such as the MovieClip class or the EventDispatcher. Topics include loading data dynamically, AS3 syntax and scope, loading external SWF files, playing an MP3, setting the volume of a MovieClip, binary data, XML using E4X syntax, and object-oriented concepts and applications as applied in AS3. This assessment is appropriate to administer to those who are experienced developers with ActionScript 3.0 as many questions contain detailed code samples.

A test for Adobe Flex 3.0 is also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 38
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Syntax and Scope
Building a Flash Site
Dynamically Loading Data
Object Oriented Programming
Sound and Video Control
Binary Data
Tasks Tested Class Syntax
Try Catch Finally
Delete Operator
Equality with XML
Output Panel Display
Basic Syntax
Inheritance and Functions
Functions, Arrays, and Switches
Event Flow
TextField Properties
Extending the MovieClip Class
Removing a MovieClip
Attaching Functions to Events
Executing JavaScript
Capturing Events
Display Object Depth
MovieClip Frame Rate
Mouse Events
DisplayObject Hierarchy
Loading SWF Files
Checking Type
Preventing Inheritance
Design Patterns
Access Modifiers
Inheritance and Scope
Determining Class Names
Abstract Class
Access Modifiers - Encapsulation
Removing an XML Node
Retrieving Data from an XML
Parsing XML using E4X
Playing an External MP3
Write Object