Active Server Pages Assessment


Active Server Pages Assessment

Skills Assessment

Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's platform for delivering highly powerful, scalable, and dynamic web-based applications. The ASP test covers knowledge related to this technology such as: VBScript, Client-Side JavaScript, ASP Components, HTML, ANSI SQL, and Data Access. Knowledge of all of these areas are necessary for using ASP.

This test is intended for programmers and developers who produce web-based applications in ASP. As a basic test, this tool is an accurate indicator of ASP-related knowledge.

NOTE: ASP.NET is a newer version of ASP. This test DOES NOT cover any aspect of ASP.NET or any comparisons between ASP.NET and ASP. Programmers and developers in ASP.NET should take an ASP.NET test, not this one.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 35
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested VBScript
Client-side JavaScript
ASP Components
Data Access
Tasks Tested Weak Typed Languages
Variable Names
Reusing Arrays
VBScript FOR Syntax
IF syntax
Declaring Variables
While Loops
OPTION Explicit
Commenting Scripts
Parent Object
Text Data
JavaScript Tag
JavaScript FOR Syntax
JavaScript Popup Messages
Editing Session OnStart
Client Data
URL Encode
OnEnd Events
Input Tag
Collecting Data
Two Spaces
Controlling the Text
STYLE vs CSS file
HTML Comments
Getting Data with SQL
Aggregate Data
Query Terms
Changing Data with SQL
Adding Data with SQL
Connection Strings
Reusing Database Connections
Recordset Object