Adabas DBA Assessment


Adabas DBA Assessment

Skills Assessment

This test is designed to evaluate an ADABAS Database Administrator (DBA) in regard to their working knowledge of database administration. It is intended to expose the level of understanding of those skills that are most often employed on the job. The test addresses most of those areas of knowledge that are required in the course of a DBA's daily duties.

Assessments for DB2 DBA and Sybase DBA are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Concepts and Facilities of ADABAS
ADABAS Utilities
ADABAS Command Reference
Concepts and Facilities
Job Control Language (JCL)
Tasks Tested Determine Understanding of the Components of ADABAS
Determine Understanding of ADABAS Concepts
Determine Understanding of Peripheral Utilities
Determine Understanding of Transaction Logic
Determine Understanding of Limitations of ADABAS
Determine Understanding of Recovery Principles
Determine Understanding of the Unique Identifier
Determine Understanding of Padding and its Affect on Data Storage
Determine Understanding of ADABAS Limitations
Determine Understanding of DBA Utilities
Determine Understanding of the Inner Workings of ADABAS
Determine Understanding of ADABAS Environment
Determine Understanding of JCL