Adobe Photoshop CS6 Assessment


Adobe Photoshop CS6 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Adobe Photoshop CS6 test is designed to assess a test taker's basic knowledge and understanding of Photoshop, producing and reusing images, terminology specific to digital image work, and features specific to CS6. Other topics on this assessment include cropping and transformations, documents and navigation, selection and layers, tools and filters, layer effects and styles, and Adobe Bridge as it relates to Photoshop CS6. This assessment is appropriate for test takers that have a year or more experience with Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Assessments for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 35
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Documents and Navigation
Cropping and Transformations
Tools and Filters
Selection and Layers
Layer Effects and Styles
Tasks Tested Toggle Screen Modes
Copying Images
Working with Tabbed Documents
Changing File Names in Bridge
Adding Metadata to Thumbnails
Open Multiple Documents
Canvas Size for Hidden Pixels
Perspective Adjustment
History Panel
Delete the Crop Pixels
Smart Objects Function
Image Transform Options
Content-Aware Feature
Applying a Filter to Multiple Layers
Tilt-Shift Blur Filter
Photo Filter
Crop Options
Tool to Select and Remove Pixels
Warp Presets
Blur Filter
Unsharp Mask
Crop Tool
Blending Images
Changing the Size of the Paint Brush
Touching Up a Layer Mask
Refine Edge
Background Layer
Smaller File Size
Combining Selections
Layer Mask Icon
Transparent Watermark
Increasing Midtone Contrast with Curves
Auto Color Options
Overdoing Black Levels
Layer Effect and Free Transform