Agile Software Development Assessment


Agile Software Development Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Agile Software Development assessment is designed to assess a test taker's understanding of Agile methodology and Scrum. This test covers the subject areas that are essential for today's job market requirements including Agile roles, sprints, Scrum, product backlog, and Agile methodology. This test is appropriate for test takers that have a year or more experience with Agile development.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Agile Methodology
Agile Roles
Product Backlog
Tasks Tested Scrum Task Board
Team Size Scalability
Planning Poker
Sprint and Product Backlogs
Epic User Story
Sprint Retrospective Meeting
Scrum Sprint
Sum of Product Backlog Items
Lean Methodology
Agile Quality Assurance
Agile Role of Project Management
Traditional Project Management
Extreme Programming
User Stories
Agile Testing
Agile Manifesto
Backlog Grooming
Agile Methodology
Agile Features
User Story Acceptance Criteria
User Story Functional Requirement
Security Requirements
Sprint Burnout Chart
Sprint Backlog
Sprint End Meeting
Scrum Smallest Unit
Scrum vs Traditional Development Teams
Scrum Master Intervention
Product Owner Scrum Role
Scrum Role
Agile Role for Quality Management
Writing User Stories
Balance between Product Scope and Schedule
Scrum Framework Principle
Release Burndown Chart
User Stories Functional Requirement
Documenting Features via Product Backlog
Items on Product Backlog
Agile Product Backlog