Assembler for IBM Mainframe Assessment


Assembler for IBM Mainframe Assessment

Skills Assessment

Assembler is typically used in the IBM mainframe for business and scientific applications. This test focuses on the use of Assembler on IBM mainframes specifically and is appropriate to administer to those that have done some programming with Assembler.

An assessment for Assembler is also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 36
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Storage
Data Comparison
Branch On Condition
Register Usage
Base Displacement
Logical OR
Logical Exclusive OR
Logical AND
Looping constructs
Test Under Mask
Program Interrupts
Arithmetic Operations
Instruction Format
Tasks Tested Basic Storage Definition and Terminology
Packed Decimal Definition
Storage Technique
Overall Assembler Knowledge
Understanding Different Statements
General Comparison Knowledge
Understanding Assembler Comparison Logic
Conditional Branching
Register Knowledge
Program Linkage
Program Instruction Storage
Branch and Link Understanding
Register Assignment
Register Usage
Base Displacement Understanding
Understanding OR Instruction
Understanding Exclusive OR Instruction
Understanding AND Instruction
Program Control
Bit Comparison
Dump Analysis
Displaying Results
Assembler Instruction Usage
Assembler Instruction Storage
Assembler Instruction Format