BusinessObjects 5 - Designer Assessment


BusinessObjects 5 - Designer Assessment

Skills Assessment

The BusinessObjects 5 - Designers test has been designed to assess the user's knowledge of the BusinessObjects Designer application. It covers the following categories: Introduction to Designer, Setting Parameters, Populating the Structure with Tables, Joins,Creating and Testing Classes and Objects, Creating and Testing Measurement Objects, Resolving Loops in a Universe, Restrictions, Using @ Functions, List of Values, Hierarchies, Documenting and Distributing a Universe, andAggregate Awareness.

The test is appropriate to administer those expected to work in the capacity of a designer for BusinessObjects.

Tests for BusinessObjects 5 - Client and Oracle 8 for Developers are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Introduction to Designer
Setting Parameters
Populating the Structure with Tables
Creating and Testing Classes and Objects
Creating and Testing Measurement Objects
Resolving Loops in a Universe
Using @ Functions
List of Values
Documenting and Distributing a Universe
Aggregate Awareness
Tasks Tested Generating SQL
Designer Module Window
Data Sources
Defining Connections
Defining Advanced Connections
Setting Other Universe Parameters
Adding a Table to the Structure
Changing the Table Display
Detecting Joins
Checking Integrity
Understanding Cardinality
Creating an Equi-join Graphically
Types of Objects
Type of Objects
Levels of Aggregation in BusinessObjects
Inferring SQL
Finding Objects
Recognizing Loops
Testing Universes
Detecting and Creating Contexts
Resolving Self-Joins
Resolving Loops
Updating Contexts
An Alternative to Applying Restrictions to Objects
Advantages of Using Condition Objects
@Variable Function
@Select Function
Identifying @ Functions
What is a List of Values?
Associating a List of Values to an Object
Time Hierarchies
Logical Hierarchies
Universe Design Cycle
Large-scale Deployment
Applying Aggregate Awareness
Aggregate Navigation
Incompatible Objects