COM/DCOM Development in Delphi Assessment


COM/DCOM Development in Delphi Assessment

Skills Assessment

Microsoft's COM/DCOM technology is designed to be platform independent, both in development and use. While a variety of development environments support COM/DCOM, there are significant differences in how each environment handles COM/DCOM object creation. This test is designed to test knowledge of COM/DCOM creation in Delphi. This non-version specific test is appropriate to administer to developers.

A for COM/DCOM Development in Visual Basic is also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Definition
Properties and Features
Using COM Automation Servers
Delphi IDE
Tasks Tested COM Purpose
COM Name
COM Interface
Data Access
COM/DCOM Differences
Communication Mechanism
Configuring DCOM Servers
Supported Languages
Operating Systems
Freeing COM Objects
COM Server Types
Delphi's Base Interface
Identification Mechanism
Common Microsoft COM Servers
Using Excel within Delphi
DLL versus EXE
Naming COM Objects
Registering COM Servers
Creating COM Objects with Delphi
Events in COM
Valid Data Types
Launching COM Objects from a DLL
Measuring Method Invocation Performance
Threading Models
COM Instancing
COM Controls in Web Browsers
Duplicate Interface Methods
Type Library Contents