Customer Service Mindset Survey Assessment


Customer Service Mindset Survey Assessment

Skills Assessment

Customer Service Skills Survey measures the test taker's understanding of and attitude about customer service practices. This survey is designed to measure the customer service aptitude of any customer service representative and may be administered to those who deal with internal or external customers such as customer service, technical support or retail sales workers.

Most questions have a best and second best answer, scoring 2 and 1 points respectively. The best possible points for this survey is 144, however also provided is a percentage score that is based on points scored.

Also available are Call Center Listening Skills, Telephone Etiquette and Call Center Environment tests.


What Am I Buying?
When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 72
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Problem Solving
Maintaining and Promoting Positive Customer Relationships
Knowledge of Products and Services
Tasks Tested Solving Problems
Customer Brush-Off
Delivering Service
Getting Rid of Customers
Right the First Time
Unhappy Customers
Problems Caused by Others
Dissatisfied Customers
Never Being Too Busy
Customer Best Interest
Meets Expectations
Application Files
Sensitive to Others
Willing to be Helpful
Being Courteous
Customer Always Right
Taking Advantage
Being Cold to Customers
Being Prompt
Priority of Customers
Being Indifferent
Reacting Defensively
Negative Customers
Eager to Please
Keeping Promises
Never too Busy
Customer Complaints
Can Do Attitude
Likes Customers
Attention to Detail
Being Rude
Behaving Like a Robot
Appreciates Customers
Best of His/Her Ability
Empathizes with Customers
Being Caring
Customer Service Mindset
Follows Through
Taking Messages
Yelling Customers
Good Listener
That's Not Possible
Customer Run-Around
Helping Other Employees
Returns Calls
Rude Customers
Thanks Customers
Apologizing to Customers
Arguing with Customers
Not My Job
Using Foul Language
Products Sell Themselves
Level of Service
The Rule Book
What Customers Will Get
Saving Customer or Sale
Customers on Hold
Being Knowledgeable
Takes Pride
Knowing Company Products
Not Our Policy