FileMaker Pro 6 Assessment


FileMaker Pro 6 Assessment

Skills Assessment

The FileMaker Pro 6 database software lets users store, retrieve, organize, and analyze all types of data from complex billing records to customer accounts to home-video collections. It allows users to manage vast quantities of information, as well as share this information with other applications both on the network and over the Internet.

The FileMaker Pro 6 test covers a comprehensive range of topics, designed to evaluate the test taker's familiarity with general program usage and interface controls; ability to create and manage fields, field interactions, styles and relationships; skills applicable to calculations and scripting functionality; understanding of web and network integration; as well as knowledge of database security features and limitations. This test is appropriate for people with prior knowledge of FileMaker Pro software (version 6 or lower), who are working in the field of database development, database design or database administration.

Tests for Adobe PageMaker 6.5 and Corel Quattro Pro 9.0 are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 44
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Program Interface and General Usage
Defining and Manipulating Fields
Calculations and Scripting
Relational Database Design
Network and Web Integration
Database Security
Tasks Tested Program Commands
Modes of Operation
Interface Controls
Modifier Keys
Search Options
Menus and Navigation
New Features
Field Validation
Storing Multiple Values
Calculation Field
Field Types
Value List
Storing Images
Field Format
Scripting Language
Script Initiation
Scripting Environment
Relationships and Scripts
Portal Printing
Relationship Types
Related Fields
Displaying Fields in a Portal
Portal Design
Instant Web Portal
Web Language
IP Guest Limit
Network Hosting
Custom Web Publishing
Using Web Security Database
Passwords Versus Groups
Applying Passwords
Access Privileges Keys
Defining Access Privileges
Protecting Data
Plug-ins Installation
Web Companion
Plug-ins Definition
Third-Party Plug-ins