Investment Management: Equities Products Assessment


Investment Management: Equities Products Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Investment Management test is aimed as assessing the degree of knowledge of the test taker in investment management subject matter. Knowledge from the basic skill level, such as the reading of a displayed market, to the advanced level, such as grasping the components of market indicators, are tested.

This test is appropriate to administer to those with a general understanding of the US equity markets.

Tests for Financial Math, Financial Spelling and Credit Management are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Market Quotations
Stock Fundamentals
Stock Market Terms
Investments and Stock
Market Products
Market Indicators
Tasks Tested Understanding a Market
Buying Shares
Market Quotations
Dividend Yield
Stock Splits
Price-to-Earnings Ratio
Short Stock Rebate
Trading Curbs
Blue Chips
Stop Orders
Risk-Free Interest Rate
Investment Strategies
Inside Information
Management Fees
Price-weighted Index
Market Capitalization
American Style Options
European Style Options
VIX Value
The Semiconductor Index
The Oil Service Index
Fair Value
The Dow Jones Industrial Average
Knowledge of the Market
The Dow Jones Industrial Average Stocks
The Bank Index
Understand an Index
VIX Measures