Java Hibernate 4.3 Assessment


Java Hibernate 4.3 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Java Hibernate 4.3 test will help gauge a test taker's proficiency with using the Hibernate ORM library version 4.3. The intended audience should have working experience with Hibernate and understand the core principles and basic abstractions as well as have some knowledge of the extensibility features offered by the library. The topics include Java Hibernate theory fundamentals, Hibernate Query Language, maps in Java, and complex Java concepts. This assessment is appropriate for Java Hibernate 4.3 users with more than one year of experience.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Java Hibernate Theory
Hibernate Query Language
Complex Java Concepts
Maps in Java
Tasks Tested Method for Acquiring/Closing a Session
Immutable Class
Modifications without Knowing Session State
Session Flush
Avoiding LazyInitializationException
Hibernate Core Interface
Level Caching
Jar Files for Annotations
Create SessionFactory Object
Get and Load Methods
Inheritance Mapping Strategy
Hibernate Configuration
Method to Get Persistent Instance
Query Object
Method of Query Object
Hibernate Query Language
Transaction Execution
Hibernate Versioning
Internal Handling of timeToIdleSeconds and timeToLiveSeconds
Property Tag
Interface in Hibernate
Set Tag
Integrating with Struts
Synchronize Object State
Field Access Type
Inheritance Mapping
Generator Element
Details of Annotation
One-to-Many Mapping
Collection Mapping
Bag Element
Property Element
Annotation Details