Loan Underwriting Knowledge Assessment


Loan Underwriting Knowledge Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Loan Underwriting test is aimed at evaluating the test taker's knowledge of the policies and procedures commonly employed in the loan underwriting arena for the banking and loans industry. Such topical areas included are loan approval, underwriting methodology, appraiser qualifications, credit information, title exceptions, and various practices and procedures. This test is appropriate to administer to those with one to two years of experience in loan underwriting.

Tests for Title Insurance Knowledge, Financial Analysis, and Credit Management are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 29
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Loan Underwriting
Appraisal Underwriting
Tasks Tested Borrower's Income Source
Underwriting Guidelines
Self-Employed Borrower Assessment
Title Exceptions
Compensating Factors
Practices and Procedures
Underwriting Philosophy
Credit Information
Self-Employed Borrowers
Borrower's Ability to Repay
Borrower's Assets
Housing and Debt Ratios
Underwriting Differences
Guaranty Insurance
Borrower's Gross Income
Subordinate Financing
Investment - Quality Loans
Underwriting Methodology
Documentation Requirements - Self-Employed
Loan Approval
High-ratio Mortgages
Mathematical Calculations
Appraiser Qualifications
Appraisal Practices
Standard Exhibits
Analyzing Reports
Right to Rescind
Credit Applicants
Borrower's Dealings