Lotus Notes 5.0 for Developers Assessment


Lotus Notes 5.0 for Developers Assessment

Skills Assessment

Lotus Notes is one of a breed of software referred to as GroupWare. GroupWare is used to manage shared databases, such as policy manuals, training material and client data. GroupWare is also used to create bulletin boards and set up messaging. Lotus Notes 5.0 for Developers would not be appropriate to administer to Lotus Notes users nor administrators, but is appropriate for developers. This test focuses on the Lotus Notes 5.0 version also referred to as R5.

Tests for Lotus Notes 1-2-3 Millennium and WordPro Millennium are also available.


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When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 55
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Domino R5 Overview
Design Elements
Formula Language
Helping your Users
Tasks Tested R5 Uses
New R5 Features
R5 Clients
Database File Extensions
Database Properties
Hidden Views
Database Size
Opening a Database
Refreshing Database Design
Using the Web Palette
Testing a Workflow Database
Web Graphics
Field Types
Reserved Fields
Embedded Views
Efficient Use of Design Elements
Identifying Design Elements
New Design Elements for R5
Retrieving Information From Views
Writing Formulas
Programming Date Fields
Discovering Viewing Audience
Programming Name Fields
Programming Actions
Accessing Help Information
Providing Helpful Information for Users in a Database
Access Control Lists
Refining Access Control Lists
Database-Level Security
Document-Level Security
Access Needed for Replication
Controlling Replication of a Database
Emergency Support Call
Database Navigation
Determining the Editors of a Document