Macintosh Technician OS 9 Assessment


Macintosh Technician OS 9 Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Macintosh Technician OS 9 test covers important troubleshooting and technical skills for Apple Macintosh computers. Topics include hardware, the operating system and networking. This non-version specific test is geared towards troubleshooting and other technical positions, and is not geared towards end users.

Tests for Technical Support Processes are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Operating Systems
Bus Architecture
Processors and Memory
Device Connections
Bus Structures
Tasks Tested Shutting Down
System Folder
Identify OS
Macintosh Fonts
Control Panel
OS 9 Features
Date & Time Settings
Restarting Frozen Macintosh
Software Tools
Clearing the PRAM
Macintosh OS Problem
Rebuilding Desktop
Start Up Macintosh Display
Quitting an Application
Generic Icon Problem
SCSI Connection
Macintosh Bus
IDE Pins
RAM Type
Fastest Processor
Macintosh Processor
PowerPC Processors
iMAC Features
Hard Disk Format
Hard Drive Connection
Hot Swapable
Macintosh Ports
IDE Types
SCSI Types
SCSI Chain Terminators
Fireware Transfer Rate
Firewire Chain
USB Transfer Rate
Network Protocol
Core Networking Software
Networking Macintoshes