Nursing - Critical Care Assessment


Nursing - Critical Care Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Nursing - Critical Care test is a comprehensive exam that focuses on the care, treatment, and diagnosis of a patient requiring Critical Care Medicine (CCM). This test covers a variety of topics concerning the anatomy, including respiratory, cardiovascular, neurology, and endocrine questions. There are also a number of questions concerning diagnosis and case studies. The test is intended to be administered to staff with at least one year of experience in critical care.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Respiratory
Diagnosis and Case Studies
Tasks Tested Early ARDS Symptoms
Hypoxic and Acidotic Treatment
Interpretation of Lab Values
Cyanosis Check
Artificial Airway Complications
Nasogastric Tube and Maxillofacial Injuries
Dyspneic and Claustrophobic Symptoms
Hypertensive Emergency Type
ACS Types
MI Diagnosis
Acute Respiratory Failure
Potassium Value Diagnosis
Patient History and Treatment
Pulsating Protrusion
Patient Disorder
BNP Lap Test
Partial Thickness Burn
Reaction to Shrimp
Chest Injury
Coronary Artery Disease Test
Ventricular Fibrillation Treatment
Cardiac Enzyme Lab Values
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Cause of High Potassium
Pulmonary Hypertension Test
Nitroglycerin Contraindications
AV Fistula
Expressive Aphasia
Status Epilepticus
Family Teaching - Brain Dead
Cranial Nerve and Expressive Aphasia
Laying Supine After Spinal Tap
Protruding Eyes
Diagnosis - Heart Palpitations and Bulging Eyes
Intravenous Insulin