Objective-C 2.0 Assessment


Objective-C 2.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Objective C-2.0 test is designed to assess the test taker's knowledge and understanding of Objective-C. The questions focus on several broad categories with emphasis on working with basic syntax and fundamentals, data types, objects and pointers, loops, classes,foundation framework, exception handling, memory management and program basics. This test is appropriate to administer to Objective-C users with at least one year of experience.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 43
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Fundamentals/Core Concepts
Variables and Data Types
Working with Classes
Objects and Pointers
Memory Management
Tasks Tested Complete the Code
Header File Concept
Main and NSLog
Xcode Functions
Valid Comments
Printed to Console Code
Memory Allocation Bad Practice
Format Identifiers
Code Execution
Guaranteed Loop
File Name Extensions
Variable Assignment
Code Snippet Output
NSString and NSMutable Concept
Valid Variable Names
NSString Value
Loop Execution
NSLog Code Output
F Placement
Variable Visibility
Variable Concept
Find Output
Code Output
NSObject Syntax
Operator Overloading
Class Categories
Objective-C 2.0 Classes
Framework Concept
Class Naming
Subclass Concept
Class Definition
Code Declaration
NSCopying Protocol
Declaration of Pointer
RemoveObject Method
Mutable Array
Memory Management Method
Release an Object
Manual Coding for Memory
Clear Allocated Memory