Oracle Developer 2000 Assessment


Oracle Developer 2000 Assessment

Skills Assessment

Oracle Developer 2000 is a Client/Server software development application designed especially to create professional end-user applications which interface with an Oracle database server. This non-version specific test covers the two primary components of Developer 2000, which are Forms and Reports.

Tests for Oracle Designer 2000 and Oracle 9.i for Developers are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 45
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Forms Development
Forms PL/SQL Coding
General PL/SQL
Tasks Tested Reference Objects
Format Mask
Forms Trigger Definition
Visual Attribute Properties
Forms Boilerplate
Text Item Property
Forms Menus
Visual Attribute Assignment
Property Classes
Enter Query Mode
On-Error Trigger
Runforms File Type
Control Block
Forms Coordinate System
List of Values
Forms Designer
Populating Data on a Form
Save Command
Key-Listval Trigger
Last_Record Built-In
Post-Query Trigger
Copy Built-In
Display_Item Built-In
ID_Null Function
Which Trigger
Restricted Built-In
Forms Triggers
Forms Library
Name_In Function
Default Date Format
Stored Procedures
PL/SQL Package
Date Data Column
Reports References
Reports Format Triggers
Reports-- Which Query
Reports Fields
Reports Column Types
Reports Repeating Frames
Reports Query
Reports Boilerplate Symbol
Reports Object
Reports Default Layout