Respiratory Therapy Assessment


Respiratory Therapy Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Respiratory Therapy assessment measures general knowledge of cardiopulmonary pathologies, diagnostic tests, arterial blood gases, ventilator management, emergency care, and special pulmonary related procedures relating to patients from infants to adults. This test is appropriate for someone that has graduated from an accredited respiratory therapy program and has achieved licensure and at least a CRT (certified respiratory therapist) credential.

An assessment for Medical Terminology - Respiratory is also available.


What Am I Buying?
When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 43
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Equipment
Clinical Data
Hemodynamic Monitoring/Pulmonary Function Testing
Assisted Ventilation/ Blood Gas Sampling
Airway Care/Emergency Care
Tasks Tested LMA
Oral Airway Size
Oxygen Delivery Devices
Adult ETT
Nasal Cannula
Pediatric ETT
ETT Cuff
Humidity Generators
Infant Apnea
Thumb Sign
Pulmonary Emboli
Infant Retractions
Unilateral Wheeze
Deciphering Types of Apnea
Infant Pneumothorax
Tracheal Deviation
ETT Placement
FEV 1.0
PFT Obstructive Disease
Pulmonary Artery Pressure
Bronchial Provocation
Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
Central Venous Blood Pressure
Mean BP
Vent Modes
Troubleshooting of the Ventilator
Setting Initial Ventilator Settings
Capillary Blood Samples
ABG Interpretation
SIMV Ventilation
Vent Changes
Hazards of Suctioning
Establishing a Patent Airway
Airway Clearance
Frequency of Suctioning