Ruby on Rails 3.0 Assessment


Ruby on Rails 3.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Ruby on Rails 3.0 assessment is designed to evaluate skills in the usage and understanding of Ruby on Rails. The test includes questions on syntax, blocks, classes, security, views, strings and methods, applications, and arrays. This test is appropriate to administer to candidates that have a year or more experience using Ruby on Rails 3.0.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Arrays
Strings and Methods
Tasks Tested Hashes
Array Methods and Outputs
Divide a String into an Array
Chain Pushing Arrays
Ruby Symbols
Logger Class
Rails Architecture
Git Functionality
Session Information
Command to Install Gems
Database Change Roll Back
Directory for Plugins and Gems
Empty Database Command
Remove Database Record
Default Database
Command to Create a Branch
Multi-line Block Syntax
Block Variable Syntax
Strings Interpolation
Inheritance Syntax
Password Protection
Send Files from Server to Client
Boolean Not Operator
Skip Validations
Methods Added to Classes
Attribute Value
Mass Assignment
Hyperlink Text
Empty Response
Controller Level Layouts
Tools for Combining Output
Region Identification for Content
HTTP Response
Linking to Images
Image for Videos