Sexual Harassment Assessment


Sexual Harassment Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Sexual Harassment knowledge test covers Identifying Sexual Harassment, Management, and Legal Issues pertaining to sexual harassment. This test is appropriate for candidates who must be aware of U.S. Sexual Harassment law and policies.

Assessments for Safety in the Workplace, EEOC Compliance, and Human Resource Basics are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 42
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Identifying Sexual Harassment
Legal Issues
Tasks Tested General Knowledge
Single Incident
Sexual Harassment Situations
Gender Discrimination
Witnessing Sexual Relations
Laughing at Sexual Jokes
Delaying a Sexual Harassment Claim
Consensual Relations
Abusive Behavior Towards a Gender
Pin-Up Calendars
Jokes in an All-Male Environment
Taking Action
Unfulfilled Threats
Submitting to Sexual Harassment
Past Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
Romantic Relationships with a Manager
Assigning Unfavorable Work Duties
Manager Filing Claims
Setting Sexual Harassment Policies
Company Awareness
Third-Party Claims
Male vs. Female Legal Rights
Harassment by Vendors
Offsite Company Party
Claimant History
Sexual Harassment in Court
Act that Covers Sexual Harassment
Supporting Intent