Software Quality Assurance Assessment


Software Quality Assurance Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Software Quality Assurance test poses real world questions which aim at assessing pre-employment skill levels in software quality assurance and covers entire process of software development. Finding and preventing problems, adhering to standards and procedures, as well as monitoring and even improving upon the process regularly, are topics included herein. Additional topics include; core concepts, testing, requirements, project management, measurement, reviews, defect tracking, and configuration management.

Tests for Project Management Fundamentals and Project Management for IT Professionals are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 44
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Configuration Management
Project Management
Defect Tracking
SQA - Core Concepts
Tasks Tested Backups
Configuration Management Definition
Source Code Control
Control Flags
Design Change Control
Managing Change
Compilation Tools
Requirements Management
Cost of Requirements Change
Missed Deadlines
Formal Technical Reviews
Improving Software Quality
Influences on Schedule
Pareto Principle
Test Plans
Regression Testing
Types of Tests
Error Detection
Test Scripts
Bug Terminology
Alternative Approaches
Traceability Metrics
Six Sigma
Capability Maturity Model
Software Reliability Models
Measures of Availability
Measures of Reliability
Software Maturity Index