Spring Framework 4.0 Assessment


Spring Framework 4.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Spring Framework 4.0 test is designed to assess the test taker's knowledge and ability to use Spring Framework in application development. The questions focus on both core concepts as well as programming. Topics include Spring IOC container and beans, the ApplicationContext, Spring AOP, Spring transaction management, data access with JDBC, using Hibernate with Spring, and Spring MVC. This assessment is appropriate for Spring developers with three or more years of experience.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 36
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Spring IOC Container and Beans
Spring MVC
The ApplicationContext
Spring Transaction Management
Spring AOP
Data Access with JDBC
Using Hibernate with Spring
Tasks Tested Bean Aliasing
Singleton vs Prototype Beans
Inversion Of Control
Setup and Use Properties in Spring
Bean AutoWiring
Bean Lifecycle Methods
BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
Annotation-Based Container Configuration
Bean Dependency
Spring Bean Definition
Intercepting Requests
Request Mapping
Chaining ViewResolvers
ApplicationContext vs WebApplicationContext
Chained MessageSources
Application Events
Spring Validator and MessageCodesResolver
Transaction Propagation
Default Rollback Policy
Invalid Code
AOP Advice
Uses of AOP
Pointcuts and Join Points
Returned Method Matches
AOP Proxies
Pointcut Expressions
Merge Rows into an Object
Collection EmpList
Jdbc Batch Operations
JdbcTemplate Advantages
Persistence Exception Translation
Criteria Queries
Hibernate Query Language
Attribute Mapping