U.S. Cities Spelling Assessment


U.S. Cities Spelling Assessment

Skills Assessment

The U.S. Cities Spelling test is designed to identify the test taker's knowledge of the correct spelling of major U.S. cities. Many of the cities included are state capitals and cities with high populations. <BR><BR>Assessments for Advanced Spelling, Basic Spelling, and U.S. Geographical Locations are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Spelling
Competencies Tested U.S. Cities Spelling
Tasks Tested Lincoln (Nebraska)
Annapolis (Maryland)
Honolulu (Hawaii)
Lansing (Michigan)
Cheyenne (Wyoming)
Montpelier (Vermont)
Jefferson City (Missouri)
Fort Lauderdale (Florida)
Columbus (Ohio)
Little Rock (Arkansas)
Augusta (Maine)
Madison (Wisconsin)
Carson City (Nevada)
Olympia (Washington)
Tallahassee (Florida)
Charleston (West Virginia)
Harrisburg (Pennsylvania)
Des Moines (Iowa)
Juneau (Alaska)
Jackson (Mississippi)
Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
Hartford (Connecticut)
Topeka (Kansas)
Montgomery (Alabama)
Pierre (South Dakota)
Bismarck (North Dakota)
Phoenix (Arizona)
Indianapolis (Indiana)
Salem (Massachusetts)
Richmond (Virginia)
Concord (New Hampshire)
Santa Fe (New Mexico)
Nashville (Tennesee)
Boise (Idaho)
Raleigh (North Carolina)
Albany (New York)
Columbia (South Carolina)
Providence (Rhode Island)
Sacramento (California)
Dover (Delaware)