Visual FoxPro 8.0 Assessment


Visual FoxPro 8.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

Microsoft Visual FoxPro provides the tools you need to create and manage high-performance, 32-bit database applications and components. Its robust tools and data-centric, object-oriented language make it ideal for building modern, scalable, multitier applications that integrate client/server computing and the Internet.

This test addresses such subject areas as Database definition, indexes and data manipulation, form properties and events, and functions, commands and procedures written in the Visual FoxPro programming language.

Tests are also available for Visual FoxPro 3.0 and Visual Fox Pro 6.0.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Database
Tasks Tested Appending Fields to Existing Tables
Data Type in General Field Type
Database Manipulation - Record Pointer
DB Manipulation - Unmarking Records
Timer Event Interval
Database Relation and Indexing
Positioning the Record Pointer
Stored Procedures and the TRIGGER Command
Specifying Indexes
Removing Records Marked for Deletion
Database Relation
Command that Creates New Stored Procedures
KeyPress Event
Form Properties and Color Values
MouseMove Event
Form Properties used to Specify Object Background
Form Events - Method
TextBox Properties
Form Events
Modal Window
Form Properties
Form Method - Assigning the Focus to a Control
Changing the Text Displayed in a Label Control
NTOM ( ) Function
Command used to Copy Data
DTOC ( )
Command Used to Break Out of a Loop
Function that Removes Blanks
Function that Returns the Character String of a Numeric Expression
IF Statement Syntax
Function that Converts Every Occurrence of a Letter
Command that Executes Records Based on Conditions
Function that Returns TRUE if File Found on Disk
Value for Y, ATC
Functions FPUTS ( ) and FWRITE ( )
Command Used to Run a Compiled Form
MOD ( ) Command
Value of X, MOD