VMware ESXi 6.0 Assessment


VMware ESXi 6.0 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This VMware ESXi 6.0 assessment is designed to assess a test taker's understanding of the everyday use of VMware ESXi. Topics covered by this test include vSphere networking, vSphere administration, vCenter, virtualization and VMware concepts. This assessment is appropriate for experienced VMware ESXi 6.0 users with a year or more experience with the program.


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When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Virtualization
VMware Concepts
vSphere Administration
vSphere Networking
Tasks Tested Restart Web Access
VMware Hypervisor Type
vSwitch Security
Normal Lockdown Mode
Active Directory Service
HA Agent Start Command
Virtual Disk Shrinking
ESXi Architecture Security Feature
vMotion Description
vCenter DSN Concept
VMware Platform Services Controller
VMware HA Policy
vCenter Server
VMWare CPU Resource
Virtual Machine
Added Storage and User Performance
Privilege Setting
Fault Tolerance VMs
ESXi Booting
vSphere Component Access
vSphere Cluster Criteria
Fiber Channel Switch
BIOS Configurations
VMXF File Extension
VMware Host Image Profile
vCenter Server Upgrade
Storage vMotion
Create/Destroy Datacenter Virtual Machines
VMkernel Command
vCenter Start Command
vSphere Switch Definition
Traffic Shaping Policy
Enable Network Services
ESX Server Partition
Load Balancing