XML Assessment


XML Assessment

Skills Assessment

This XML assessment will help determine the test taker's level of proficiency with XML up to and including version 1.1. The test taker should have a strong understanding of XML fundamentals, knowledge of XML concepts and related technologies, and an understanding of how data relates to XML, in particular with issues associated with information modeling and XML processing. The questions cover topics including XML fundamentals, XML schemas, XML document, XML parsing, DTD, and XPath.

Assessments for UML and HTML are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 52
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested XML Fundamentals
XML Document
XML Schemas
XML Parsing
Tasks Tested XML Syntax Rules
XML Declaration
Describe DOM
XML Attribute Rules
XML Naming Rules
XML Grammar
Reserved Special Characters in XML
XML Well-Formedness
Referencing XML Schema from an XML Document
Special Characters in XML
XML Namespaces
Advantages of XML
Well-Formed XML Document
Understanding XML
Used Namespace
XSL Rules for an XML Document.
Referencing XSLT from XML
XML Comments
Invalid XML Document
Referencing XML Schema from XML Document
XSL Rules for an XML Document
External DTD Declaration
XML Valid Document
Creating DTDs
DTD Attribute Type
DTD Data Types
Validation Against DTD
XPath Purpose
XPath Predicates
XPath Expression
Item Element Attribute Nodes
XML Schema Structure Definition
Mandatory Attributes
Constant Values for Simple Elements
Time Interval Data Type
Valid XML Schema Data Types
Definition of a Complex Element
An Element in XML Schema
Difference Between XSD Data Types
Order Indicators
Occurrence Indicator Value
Restriction Constraints
Invalid XML Schema Data Type
Meaning of Simple Element
Acceptable Values for XML Elements
Max Items Allowed
Valid Built-In Data Types in XML Schema
Valid DOM Node Type
Identifying an XML Parser
SAX XML Parser Use
XML Parser