Pre-Employment Information Technology Job Tests/Assessments

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Microsoft's COM/DCOM technology is designed to be platform independent, both in development and use. While a variety of development environments support COM/DCOM, there are significant differences in how each environment handles COM/DCOM object creation. This test is designed to test knowledge of...
The Call Center Technical Support test is intended for telephone based PC support technicians who help callers with technical issues. This test covers issues pertaining to Hardware, Windows, Difficult Users, Printing, and the Internet. An audio version of this test is also available: Call Center...
Allaire's Cold Fusion is a web authoring application, similar to Microsoft's Active Server Pages, and is usually used in conjunction with a database. Cold Fusion files are HTML pages with additional Cold Fusion commands to query or update the database. These additional commands are written in Col...
This test is designed to gauge a person's knowledge of the CA-Clipper (hereafter referred to as Clipper) development system. The Clipper language consists of a structured programming language and a collection of standard commands, functions, and objects that allow one to create application progra...
Allaire's Cold Fusion is a web authoring application, similar to Microsoft's Active Server Pages, and is usually used in conjunction with a database. Cold Fusion files are HTML pages with additional Cold Fusion commands to query or update the database. These additional commands are written in Col...
COBOL is an acronym for Common Business Oriented Language. Developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, COBOL is the second-oldest high-level programming language (FORTRAN is the oldest). It is particularly popular for business applications that run on large computers. Although disparaged by many...
COBOL is an acronym for Common Business Oriented Language. Developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, COBOL is the second-oldest high-level programming language (FORTRAN is the oldest). It is particularly popular for business applications to maintain, develop and distribute COBOL programs in mi...
Server-based computing is an architecture in which the applications and data are completely deployed, managed, supported, and executed on the server. Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server is server-based software for UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and Windows 2003x64 that provides the ICA proto...
CGI is an interface between web pages, web browsers, and web servers. Among the range of features that CGI offers is online forms, use of scripting languages, and other productive applications. This test measures knowledge of what CGI is as well as its capabilities. Please see our entire library...
CICS was originally developed to provide transaction processing for IBM mainframes. It controls the interaction between applications and users and allows programmers to develop screen displays without detailed knowledge of the terminals used. It provides terminal routing, password security, trans...
Citrix MetaFrame Server is an add-on enhancement to Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems (OS). This test assumes that the candidate has extensive knowledge of network computing models, protocols and configurations. Citrix MetaFrame Server allows users to access Microsoft Window...
Server-based computing is an architecture in which applications and data is completely deployed, managed, supported and executed on the server. Citrix WinFrame is server-based operating that provides a multi-user kernel and the ICA protocol to allow almost any client to connect over any speed con...
Verbal skills cognitive assessment which uses computer adaptive programming to minimize seat time and maximize test security. Not recommended to be used alone in the United States. 
Non-verbal skills cognitive assessment which uses computer adaptive programming to minimize seat time and maximize test security. Not recommended to be used alone in the United States. 
This test for BusinessObjects 5 - Client measures the test taker's understanding of BusinessObjects Fundamentals. Questions are based on the workshop information provided by Business Objects. Topical areas include Activating BusinessObjects, Report Building, Conditions, Data Synchronization, Pres...
This Cascading Style Sheets 4.0 assessment is designed to verify the test taker's general knowledge of using CSS 4.0 for Web site design. The topics covered on this assessment include concepts, basic syntax, advanced styling, box model styling, and CSS fundamentals. This assessment is appropriate...
This test is designed to gauge the knowledge of BizTalk Server 2006 users. It covers a wide range of topics including the architecture, databases, applications, orchestrations, business rules, and troubleshooting aspects of BizTalk Server 2006. It also includes questions regarding specific new fe...
The Basic Wireless Communication test will test the fundamentals in Cellular Systems, Cellular Devices, Wireless Networks, Satellite Systems, and RF (Radio Frequency) Systems. The focus is for individuals with 0-1 years wireless experience. 
Assembler is typically used in the IBM mainframe for business and scientific applications. This test focuses on the use of Assembler on IBM mainframes specifically and is appropriate to administer to those that have done some programming with Assembler. An assessment for Assembler is also availa...
The BusinessObjects 5 - Designers test has been designed to assess the user's knowledge of the BusinessObjects Designer application. It covers the following categories: Introduction to Designer, Setting Parameters, Populating the Structure with Tables, Joins,Creating and Testing Classes and Objec...
This test has been designed to evaluate the fundamental understanding and familiarity of the test taker with BusinessObjects XI Release 2 at different levels. The assessment covers the fundamentals of BusinessObjects XI Release 2 as well as more advanced concepts for BusinessObjects Developers. S...
C is a high-level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan at Bell Labs in 1973. C is a particularly popular language for personal computer programmers because it is relatively small and it requires less memory than other languages. It is also portable (platform indepe...
C++ Builder is a visual Rapid Application Development environment using the C++ programming language. C++ Builder uses a component-based technology to provide ease of use, reusability, and extensibility to the task of creating Microsoft Windows modules and applications while using full C++ progra...
BroadVision provides a complete line of Internet software products and services for enabling large-scale Net business. This test covers such topics as installation, server-side JavaScript, database administration and schema, server programming, and competent programming. It is appropriate to admi...
This Agile Software Development assessment is designed to assess a test taker's understanding of Agile methodology and Scrum. This test covers the subject areas that are essential for today's job market requirements including Agile roles, sprints, Scrum, product backlog, and Agile methodology. Th...
This Bootstrap 4 test is designed to assess the test taker's knowledge and familiarity with using Bootstrap 4. The questions focus on areas specific to Bootstrap 4 along with general topics like typography, layout components, responsive utilities, interactive components, and utility classes. Thes...
This BizTalk Server 2010 test is designed to assess the knowledge of test takers concerning the use of BizTalk Server. The topics covered include managing BizTalk hosts and applications, deploying BizTalk applications, tracking and troubleshooting a BizTalk application, evaluating the performance...
The Adobe Illustrator CS6 test is designed to assess a test taker's ability to understand and use Illustrator. The test taker will also be evaluated on the use of tools and coloring as well as the understanding of the software environment. The assessment focuses on a number of topics including Il...
Adobe PageMaker 7 software is a page layout program for business, education, and small offices for creating high-quality publications such as brochures and newsletters. The test focuses on templates, graphics, and intuitive design tools; as well as work productively across Adobe applications; and...
This Adobe Flex 3 test focuses on the basic aspects needed by Flex programmers, plus the most essential parts of using the Flex Builder. Topics Include Flex fundamentals, events, XML data, application design, and displaying data. This assessment is appropriate to administer to those who have at l...
This Adobe Illustrator - Creative Cloud test is designed to assess a test taker's basic knowledge and understanding of Illustrator as well as features specific to Creative Cloud. Topics on this assessment include general terminology, objects, tools, panels, images, and workflow efficiency. This a...
This Adobe Flash Professional CS5 test is designed to access a test taker's abilities and skills as an Adobe Flash developer. With this in mind, the assessment presents questions that focus on a variety of topics that include fundamentals, setting up a Flash scene, motion tweens, movie clips and ...
This test for Basic Litigation Knowledge is geared towards those working in the litigation field as paralegals or legal assistants. The test covers basic terminology as well as scenarios in which knowledge of court proceedings, preparation of legal documents, effective modes of research, legal wr...
This test is designed to measure the test taker's proficiency with the design, animation, and online publishing tools offered by the Adobe Flash CS3 Professional development package. While it includes questions regarding technical issues likely to be faced by any Flash professional today, it is n...
Assembler for 386+ CPU's is a hardware specific programming language used to get greater speed, to reduce the size of bootstraps or embedded systems, as well as to get greater control of I/O or systems structures. This test is designed to measure the programming skills of an Assembler programmer ...
IBM AS/400 is a midrange computer system used primarily for running business applications for small to mid-sized companies. RPG and COBOL are the common languages used for writing applications for the AS/400. This test is designed to evaluate one's technical knowledge of the AS/400 in the areas o...
This test for Apache Web Server addresses such topics as setup, configuration, functions, troubleshooting, and logging. This test is appropriate for anyone required to work with Apache Web Servers. Assessments for Netscape Webserver and HTML Webmaster are also available. 
This test is intended to gauge the working knowledge of the test taker in ANSI SQL. The test covers such topics as joins, constraints, data modeling, data definition, retrieving data, indexes, data modification, subqueries, and the basic rules of ANSI SQL. Assessments for Data Communications Con...
This Apache Hadoop 2.8 assessment is designed to gauge the test taker's knowledge of Hadoop. Topics covered on this assessment include architecture, commands, configuration, core, and code knowledge. It is appropriate to administer this assessment to Hadoop 2 users with a year or more of experien...
AION is a development environment for intelligent components. It supports rule based programming, object orientation and meta programming. The purpose of this assessment is to measure basic, intermediate and advanced levels of AION programming abilities. The test covers AION methodology, rule-ba...
This AJAX test is designed to determine the skill level of a test taker who has experience working with AJAX on a basic and professional level. This assessment focuses on a variety of topics, such as AJAX fundamentals, XML, XMLHttpRequest Objects, XSLT, XPath, AJAX Frameworks, DOM, and JavaScript...
This Adobe Photoshop - Creative Cloud test is designed to assess a test taker's basic knowledge and understanding of Photoshop, producing and reusing images, terminology specific to digital image work, and features specific to Creative Cloud. Other topics on this assessment include meaning and te...
This Adobe Photoshop CS6 test is designed to assess a test taker's basic knowledge and understanding of Photoshop, producing and reusing images, terminology specific to digital image work, and features specific to CS6. Other topics on this assessment include cropping and transformations, document...
This Adobe Dreamweaver - Creative Cloud test is designed to assess a test taker's basic knowledge and understanding of Dreamweaver and the features specific to Creative Cloud. Other topics on this assessment include interactivity, managing sites, CSS, panels and views, managing files, and the int...
This assessment is a multiple choice review of basic, intermediate, and advanced topics covering the Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 application. Since there are some differences in capabilities between the disc and cloud-based CS6 suite installations, the assessment will only cover features that are avail...
This test is designed to evaluate an ADABAS Database Administrator (DBA) in regard to their working knowledge of database administration. It is intended to expose the level of understanding of those skills that are most often employed on the job. The test addresses most of those areas of knowledg...
Natural Adabas is a programming language and database software product aimed at providing business solutions for large organizations. The ease of development is through the English-like statements that make up the syntax for Natural. This test is appropriate for analysts/programmers, developers,...
ADABAS, from Software AG, is a multi-threaded database management system specially designed for complex integration. It delivers unparalleled performance and offers features supporting continuous operation. It is used for various types of applications across many branches of industry. Adabas-base...
Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's platform for delivering highly powerful, scalable, and dynamic web-based applications. The ASP test covers knowledge related to this technology such as: VBScript, Client-Side JavaScript, ASP Components, HTML, ANSI SQL, and Data Access. Knowledge of all of ...
This ActionScript 3.0 test focuses on the basic aspects of the language itself, plus the most essential parts of the API such as the MovieClip class or the EventDispatcher. Topics include loading data dynamically, AS3 syntax and scope, loading external SWF files, playing an MP3, setting the volum...